
Featured articles

All the Health Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water

For over four decades, water ionizers have been a staple in Japan and other parts of Asia, where they are officially recognized as medical devices by the Korean and Japanese Ministries of Health. Millions have turned to ionized alkaline water to manage and alleviate a wide range of health issues, including arthritis, digestive disorders, skin problems, weight management, diabetes, acid reflux, gout, and even chronic pain. But what makes alkaline water so powerful? Let’s explore its numerous health benefits and how it can transform your well-being. Alkaline Water for a

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Restore Your Body’s pH Balance with Alkaline Water

L’eau alcaline rétablit l’équilibre pH du corps Est-ce que vous vous sentez souvent fatigué ou léthargique?  Souffrez-vous fréquemment de rhumes, d’infections, de maladies ou de douleurs aux articulations?  Est-ce que vos ongles, votre peau et vos cheveux n’ont pas l’air en santé?  Si oui, alors votre corps peut être trop acide! Les aliments que vous mangez, les liquides que vous buvez, les produits que vous appliquez sur votre peau, l’air que vous respirez, l’exercice physique que vous faites et même votre état d’esprit peuvent contribuer à l’acidification de votre corps. 

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Structured Water: Your Next Hydration Solution

Ionized water, often referred to as structured water, offers a powerful hydration solution for our bodies. Unlike regular tap water, which is composed of large clusters of molecules, ionized water undergoes a transformation that makes it super-hydrating and more effective at cleansing our systems. Through the ionization process, the molecular clusters in water are reorganized, making them smaller and more easily absorbed by the body’s cells. Let’s dive into how structured water works and why it’s considered the superior choice for hydration and detoxification. What Makes Ionized Water Super-Hydrating? Water,

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What Kind of Water Do You Drink?

Tap water, bottled water, demineralized water, reverse osmosis water, distilled water, filtered water, ionized water: as consumers, we are faced with an ever-growing range of drinking water choices. But what criteria should we use to make the best choice for our health? First of all, it is important to remember that it’s not only the quantity of water we drink daily, but also the quality of the water we choose that can impact our health. Let’s explore how two characteristics of drinking water—chlorine and dissolved minerals—can interact with our bodies.

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What Kind of Water Do You Drink?

Tap water, bottled water, demineralized water, reverse osmosis water, distilled water, filtered water, ionized water: as consumers, we are faced with an ever-growing range of
