
Black Berkey Elements


***Black Berkey filters are out of production for an indefinite period of time due to regulatory issues with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA.  We recommend NSF certified Coldstream FTO+ filters which offer equivalent performance.***

Manufactured in the UK, Coldstream FTO+ filters are compatible with all Berkey models, and remove fluoride without the need for additional filters.  Click here for details.

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Berkey® Systems are the world’s most powerful and cost-effective personal water purification systems on the market, providing reliable, durable and user-friendly water purification for both treated and untreated water sources.

Berkey® Systems produce pure, refreshing and delicious tasting water without removing the healthful minerals our body needs.

Many Uses
Berkey® Systems can be used anywhere you need access to clean, safe drinking water: at home, at work, during outdoor activities, or during emergencies

Exceptional Purification

Berkey® Systems remove common contaminants and chemicals found in municipal water sources, including:

  • Chlorine
  • Trihalomethanes
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (such as Astrazine, Benzene, MTBE’s and over 170 other VOC’s)
  • Heavy Metals
  • Fluoride (when used with PF-2 Fluoride Removal Filters)
  • Foul taste and odors

Berkey® Systems can also purify untreated water found in lakes, rivers, stagnant ponds, or water sources in developing countries, rendering it safe by removing:

  • Viruses
  • Cysts
  • Pathogens
  • Parasites
  • Sediments & suspended solids
  • Foul taste and odors

CLICK HERE for the analysis results of an independent laboratory on Black Berkey purification elements.

Easy to use


Berkey® Systems do not require any electricity or water pressure to work and can be assembled in minutes without the use of any tools

Black BerkeyTM purification elements can be cleaned multiple times and can last several years before needing to be replaced.

Filter Life

Each Black BerkeyTM element has a life expectancy of approximately 3000 gallons (approx. 11,350 liters) before it needs to be replaced.  So depending on whether you have 2 -4 – 6 or 8 elements in your system, you can treat 6,000 – 12,000 – 18,000 or 24,000 gallons of water (23,000 – 46,000 – 69,000 – 92,000 liters) before needing to replace the purification elements.

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