
FAQ & support

FAQ Berkey

Black Berkey filters are cleanable and will never stop producing pure water free of dangerous contaminants. However, they will eventually become clogged to the point where they need to be replaced.

First, filters can be cleaned many times by rubbing them under running water with a scrub pad to restore flow (see How to clean my Berkey)

 However, after a while, the finer sediments migrate to the filter core, and it will then become impossible to clean. Black Berkey filters will need to be replaced.

No, Berkeys are not designed to remove minerals from the water.  It is not recommended to put sea water in a Berkey, because the high level of salt could damage the elements.

No, you don’t need to replace your filters yet! Unlike most filters on the market, Black Berkey elements are cleanable. Thus, they can last for years before being replaced.  

If you notice that the flow of your system is slowing down, simply unscrew the wingnuts of the black filters, vigorously rub the surface of the Berkey elements under running water with a nylon scrub pad, and reinstall them in the upper tank of your Berkey.  The complete procedure requires no tools and can be completed in less than 10 minutes.

No, the patented technology used in Black Berkey filters traps all heavy metals, chemical compounds and other contaminants in the filter medium through two distinct but complementary phenomena: “adsorption” and “ion absorption” (see How a Berkey works).  Filters will become clogged by sediment and other suspended particles in the water long before they become saturated and lose their ability to remove harmful contaminants from the water.

If your Berkey system is properly assembled and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions (see Use and Maintenance), you will never run the risk of drinking contaminated water.

Wrap a few layers of Teflon tape around the stem of your Berkey element and then reinstall the element in the upper tank hole with the wingnuts. Teflon tape should help the bolts hold in place. If it still does not work, contact us and we will provide you with replacement bolts.

PF-2 filters are only required if there is fluoride in your municipal water. In most cities in Quebec and in several other municipalities in Canada and around the world, there is no fluorine added to municipal water, so you do not need to install PF-2 post-filters.  Check with your municipality’s public work department to see if your water is fluoridated or not.

No, reverse osmosis does not remove bacteria from the water.  This is why it is usually necessary to add a UV lamp to the treatment system. However, this may have constraints: 

  • UV light is not always 100% effective at removing bacteria from the water.
  • If the tank is not periodically sterilized, bacteria that have not been exposed to UV light could be a significant problem. 
  • The few bacteria killed by the UV lamp still remain in the water.

Thanks to the Berkey system, bacteria are completely removed by Black Berkey filters.

Just as with seawater, the Berkey will also not remove the salt found in water treated with a salt softener. To do this, the Berkey must either be fed with water collected from the water line before the softener or resort to a membrane treatment system that will remove the salt present in the water.

Yes, a Berkey is capable of filtering pool water. The extended contact time with filters helps to remove chlorine and make water safe for human consumption. However, the continuous use of filters with pool water will cause the elements to wear out much faster. So it is best not to use pool water with your Berkey on an ongoing basis unless it is in case of an emergency.

FAQ ionized alkaline water

Yes.  Water entering the ionizer passes through a filter that removes the taste and smell of chlorine from tap water. Then electrolysis decreases the size of water clusters; from clusters of 12 to 16 molecules to clusters of 5 to 8 molecules. This makes the water taste softer and silky. Alkaline water tastes very good and makes the best coffee, tea and juice. It is also great for cooking because it moisturizes food better, which brings out all the flavours.

Take your first drink as soon as you get out of bed in the morning.  Water is absorbed very quickly into the body when the stomach is empty.  Then you should drink alkaline water throughout the day.  However, remember not to drink ionized water 30 minutes before and up to 2 hours after meals and taking medication.

Doctors say it is beneficial to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.  If you are not used to drinking a lot of water, start by drinking 3 or 4 glasses of alkaline water a day (about 1 liter) and gradually increase your intake to 8-12 glasses a day (2-3 liters).

When you start drinking alkaline water, normal side effects could include headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, runny nose and other symptoms that look like the flu. In addition, your stools will likely be darker, softer and more fragrant and you may have gas. 

These side effects are a good sign, as they are directly related to the detoxification of your body. Indeed, micro-clusters of alkaline water penetrate deep into the tissues and help gradually expel the acidic waste and toxins that have accumulated in your body over time.

The side effects will subside once your body gets used to the water.  This adaptation period could vary from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks, depending on each individual and the level of detoxification the body needs to undergo.

Every person is different and that is why the body’s response to alkaline water consumption varies from person to person. You may start to feel the benefits in as little as a day or two or in a few days or weeks.

All residential water ionizers are designed for immediate consumption. It is best to drink alkaline water directly from the ionizer, but if you have to store it, put it in a glass container in a dark and cool place, such as the refrigerator.

The antioxidant properties (hydroxyl ions) of alkaline ionized water dissipate in 18-24 hours, the alkaline pH will return to a neutral pH within 1-2 weeks, and the water micro-clusters last 1-3 months


There are several external signs that your body is too acidic. Some examples include:

  • unexplained rashes
  • acne
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • cracked skin and nails
  • brittle hair
  • overweight
  • upset stomach or indigestion
  • confusion, anger or irritability
  • of food sensitivity
  • allergic reactions and recurrent infections
  • fatigue and even depression
When the pH balance of the body is improved by an alkaline diet, the body’s natural defence mechanisms naturally fight infections and diseases to restore the body to an optimal health condition. For more information, see our article on acid-base balance.

No.  Some people reported that they drink 4 litres or more of alkaline ionized water each day and feel great benefits. On the contrary, one of the most common imbalances people have today that leads to health problems is that they are too acidic. The more acidic we are, the more likely it will become in our bodies. 

It is rare for a person to suffer from alkalosis, the condition of being too alkaline. To maintain good health, we should have a balanced diet that includes alkaline water and alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables.

Start gradually by drinking level 1 water (pH 8.5) for the first week. If you are feeling well, choose level 2 (pH 9.0) during the second week, and then level 3 (pH 9.5) during the third and subsequent weeks. Water at a pH level of 9.5 is recommended for daily consumption. Level 4 should not be used for daily water consumption as the pH is very high and could cause unwanted side effects like headaches.

People who are sick, who have fragile health, seniors and people with high acidity may have to slow down the process of adaptation and stay on the same level for two weeks or more before moving to the next pH level to help the body gradually get used to the water intake alkaline.

Some people should start by drinking very small amounts of alkaline water, such as 1-2 glasses of Level 1 (pH 8.5) per day. This is especially true of older people who have often accumulated toxins in their bodies for many years.  Children under 3 should not drink alkaline water either, but only purified water (pH 7). 

Thus, they will benefit from the filtration of the ionizer that removes chlorine and other contaminants from the tap water. Children between 4 and 12 years of age should drink alkaline water at Level 1 (pH 8.5) or Level 2 (pH 9.0).

No. Do not drink ionized water 30 minutes before and up to 1.5 to 2 hours after meals. Your stomach needs to be acidic to digest the food you eat. Drinking alkaline water with meals will simply slow down the digestion process.

Absolutely. Just like humans, animals will also benefit from better hydration, antioxidants and higher pH values of alkaline water.  In addition, you will find that older animals will regain more energy when they start drinking alkaline water regularly.

Absolutely! Good hydration ensures that the body’s physiological reactions are maintained in all activities, but the physical and mental tensions of training and competition amplify the importance of hydration.

Numerous studies conducted on athletes since the 1940s have shown that dehydration, even mild, impairs performance. Alkaline water also helps to neutralize lactic acid produced in the muscles during physical training, which significantly improves recovery time.

No. Do not drink ionized water 30 minutes before and up to 2 hours after taking medication. Micro-clusters of ionized water enter your body’s cells much faster than bottled water or tap water and it is better not to interfere with the rate of absorption of drugs. On the other hand, you can drink pure filtered water (pH 7) from the ionizer with your medications because this water is simply filtered but not ionized.

Tap water is not effective enough to get rid of pesticides. Strong alkaline water produced by a water ionizer can dissolve pesticides because when the pH of the water is higher than 11, the water is able to emulsify the oils. You will also notice that fruits and vegetables soaked in strong alkaline water will keep longer in the refrigerator. 

To dissolve pesticides:

  • Soak the fruits and vegetables in a large bowl of strong alkaline water for 15-20 minutes then throw the water.
  • If you suspect that there are bacteria on your fruits and vegetables, you can also soak them a few minutes in strong acidic water (pH 3.5 or less) which acts as a disinfectant. 

Health effects of structured water

It is clinically proven that structured water greatly helps improve health. Structured water promotes the oxygenation of your water by giving you a balanced pH, strengthening your body’s immune system and the rapid absorption of water by your cells. You avoid dry skin, headaches and health problems in general. 

For more information, see our articles on the benefits of structured water.

Structured water works wonders for hair and skin. Many customers with skin irritations, redness, dryness, itching or blemishes have noticed total changes in their skin as a result of a revitalized water bath. The hair will be better hydrated and will remain healthier, softer and shinier. Structured water was also noted to remove dandruff.

Learn more about the multiple benefits of structured water by reading our articles on the subject. 

Yes. Your body absorbs revitalized water instantly; you will never feel a heavy sloshing sensation in your stomach when drinking revitalized water. Thanks to instant absorption and the ability to drink larger amounts of water, you will benefit from optimal hydration.

To learn more, we advise you to read about the moisturizing benefits of structured water

Vitalizer Plus

Absolutely! According to The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, babies have almost 100% hexagonal water in their bodies when they are born. Replenishing this biologically superior water in children may support greater health and vitality – just like for adults. It may be one of the most important gifts you can give your children.

Although the vortexing of the water in the Vitalizer Plus™ adds a significant amount of oxygen, dissolved oxygen testing reveals that oxygen levels begin to drop soon after the Vitalizer Plus™ stops. Within an hour, oxygen levels are reduced – but still higher than before vitalization. If you prefer water with a maximum amount of oxygen, simply turn on the Vitalizer Plus™ for 1 or 2 minutes to re-oxygenate your water each time you pour a drink.

One of the benefits of owning a Vitalizer Plus™ is that you can make all the hexagonal water you want. Vitalized water is great for mixing with soups, juices and other preparations. Many use it for washing vegetables and as a rinse before freezing foods. The more organized molecular structure of the water may support longer shelf life for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator and its use with frozen foods has been a consideration in the frozen food industry for some time.

It is not recommended that anything but water be placed in the Vitalizer Plus™. Powders or juices may leave residues on or in the mineral basket which will affect the taste and color of subsequent batches. However, juices and powders may be mixed with vitalized water in a separate container.

Mayu Swirl

YES! The MAYU Swirl is covered by a 2 year manufacturer warranty. This covers any issues or defects that were caused by the manufacturing process.

We understand that accidents happen, but unfortunately, breaking the carafe isn’t covered under the warranty.

Store your mineral and electrolyte blend minerals in a dark dry place to keep them fresh and potent

Yes! Adding essential minerals and electrolytes to your water and drink can have many benefits for your hydration and health. Adding electrolytes to your water or drink is particularly recommended following physical activity or during hot weather.

The Essential blend is perfect for daily use, especially with distilled or RO water, as it restores those vital minerals stripped during purification, ensuring your water remains nutritious for everyday consumption.

The Electrolyte blend is formulated to replenish the minerals and nutrients lost during periods of increased activity or sweating. It’s a fantastic choice to reinvigorate and restore your body’s essential elements after physical exertion. Both blends offer tailored benefits to support your body’s needs at different times!

Vortex Water Revitalizer

The Vortex Water Revitalizers are manufactured in British Columbia, Canada

Yes. The Vortex Water Revitalizer restores the natural pH balance to pH imbalanced water, whether it is too alkaline or too acidic. The pH balance will be brought to that of natural spring water, usually falling between 6.8 and 7.2 pH.

Yes. All the products offered by World Living Water Systems Ltd. come with a 10-Year Limited Warranty, when purchased.

Yes. When water passes through the double spiral flow form inside the Vortex Water Revitalizer it is put through a vortexing action, which causes implosion in the water. This act of implosion causes the clusters of water molecules to disperse into micro clusters or smaller clusters of water molecules. When water is released from your tap the chlorine evaporates from the water, leaving your water free or extremely reduced of chlorine. 

The smell and taste of chlorine will be eliminated or dramatically reduced, along with its harmful effects. If extremely high levels of chlorine are present in your city water you may need to let the water sit in an open container to allow for all the chlorine to evaporate fully. In most cases, this is not necessary.

Yes! One of the main benefits of the Vortex Water Revitalizer is its treatment of hard water. You will instantly see a complete transformation in the feel of your water. Hard water is the result of high mineral content in your water, so along with the softening of your water, you will see a reduction or total elimination of mineral build-up and scale deposits.

When it comes to other water treatment systems such as filters, reverse osmosis systems and distillers, they clean and purify water from toxins and impurities, but they pass water through unnatural processes. These unnatural processes typically strip water of its natural structure. In addition, water is often “flat” and lacks vitality.

The Vortex Water Revitalizer puts water through its dynamic natural flow, simulating the natural movement of water in nature. The Vortex Alive Conditioner also contributes to a better and healthier environment.

Troubleshooting Berkey Water

If the water in the upper tank starts to drain, there is still air in your filters.  To take full advantage of the maximum efficiency of your Berkey system, you must complete the priming of the filters.  See Priming Black Berkey Elements for details.

To validate if you have successfully evacuated all air from your Black Berkey elements after the priming procedure, fill the bottom tank of your Berkey® system with tap water and place the filters in the water tank, rods facing up. Well-primed filters should stall at the bottom of the tank.  If they are floating, there is still air to purge, otherwise your Berkey® will not work to its full potential.

You can test your Berkey system to make sure it is working properly and that the water passes through the elements to remove any contaminants in the water.  Simply fill the top tank with 4 litres of water and add a tablespoon of RED food colouring (see How to test your Berkey for details). 

If the dye is removed from the water collected in the lower tank, your system is working properly.  If not, make sure that the nuts are well screwed and that the water does not come out from around the hole in the bottom of the tank rather than through the filters.  Be careful, screwing the nuts too hard can ‘strip’ the nuts, and not tightening them enough does not allow a tight connection.

Black Berkey purification elements must be primed prior to first use, as indicated with your system.  The objective of the priming procedure is to saturate the micro-pores of the elements with water to start the flow of water through the filters.  Given the reduced pore size and the inherent surface tension of water, gravity alone is not enough to remove all the air present in the micro-pores of a new Black Berkey element.  See Priming Black Berkey Elements for details. 

Check the faucet. Make sure you have a priming button on the threads of the valve outside the tank and the 2nd priming button inside. If one of the 2 priming buttons is bevelled, the bevel must face the tank wall. The wingnut must be tightened by hand until the valve assembly seals. Tip: place the tap horizontally outside (with the handle at 9 o’clock) to tighten the wingnut by hand as much as possible. Then for the last quarter turn, hold the wingnut in place inside the tank and turn the valve until it is upright. If this does not solve the problem, then take a pair of pliers to tighten the wingnut further.

Your Berkey may have been overwhelmed. When the lower tank is partially filled, be careful not to overfill the upper tank as this may cause the lower tank to overflow. For example, if the lower tank is 1/3 full, the upper tank can be 2/3 full.  If the lower tank is half-filled, the upper tank can be half-filled and so on. Otherwise, the water will continue to flow through the filters from the upper tank to the lower tank and will overflow through the non-tight seal between the 2 tanks.  To avoid overflows, you can opt to add a tap with a level indicator.

You’ll know it’s time to change your filters when the filters become clogged and water is running very slowly even after cleaning.

To learn more about how to change your filters, check out our article on Berkey maintenance

Troubleshooting Mayu Swirl

Caring for the Carafe involves cleaning it every 4-5 days with dish soap (preferably eco-friendly detergent) to prevent anything from accumulating on the impeller (the white disc inside the carafe).

The carafe is waterproof and dishwasher safe. If you see remnants of scale after regular hand/dishwasher use, don’t fret! Add one teaspoon of Citric Acid to the carafe and fill it with warm water. Place the carafe on your MAYU Swirl base and let it spin until you see no trace of scale on the carafe walls. Empty the carafe and wash it.

If your brand-new MAYU Swirl isn’t creating that enchanting vortex, don’t fret! You’re now the proud owner of our latest version, which features an updated carafe design. Inside, you’ll discover a small white disc – our impeller, packed carefully in tissue paper and placed atop the pour spout.

To unleash the magic, it’s a breeze! Unwrap the tissue paper, remove the pour spout, gently slide the impeller into the water within your carafe, put the spout back on top, and voila! Let the Swirling commence, delivering its mesmerizing performance just as you imagined. Get ready to experience the enchantment!

Embrace the beauty of uniqueness! Each MAYU Swirl base is meticulously crafted by hand, making it as distinct as a snowflake. This individuality ensures that no two bases are identical, offering you a one-of-a-kind piece that adds a touch of exclusive charm to your Swirl experience. 

Troubleshooting Vortex Water Revitalizer

A filter or other water treatment system will only be necessary when there are severe chemicals and pollutants present in the water, and in these cases, it is almost always necessary to use multiple water treatment systems. It is important to know what is in your water; you can learn this by taking a sample of your water to a local water testing facility, these tests are usually quite affordable and very informative.

If there is sediment in your water, you will need to use a sediment filter to pre-treat the water.

For whole-house installations, you should purchase the same diameter Vortex Water Revitalizer as the diameter of your main water line pipe, before it splits into hot and cold pipes. For example, if your main water line is ¾” diameter you should purchase either the Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer ¾”* or the River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer ¾”**.

When purchasing a Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters, your under or over-the-counter water treatment system will have tubing leading to a spout where you will receive your drinking water. This tubing will either be 3/8” or 1/4”. The River of Life for Filters*** comes in either of these diameters. The Standard Filter Vortex Water Revitalizer**** also comes with Snap-On Fittings, which can fit onto either a 3/8” or 1/4” tube.

No. The Vortex Water Revitalizer requires only a one time installation and there are no replacement parts or further maintenance needed.

The Vortex Water Revitalizer should ALWAYS be the last mode of water treatment to experience all of the benefits it offers, so it should always be installed AFTER your existing water treatment system.

If you have an under or over-the-counter water treatment system you can install a Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters after it. You can also install a Whole House Vortex Water Revitalizer to treat the water throughout your entire home and benefit the environment, in addition to the Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters.

If you have a whole house filter or water treatment system, you will need to install a Whole House Vortex Water Revitalizer after it.

Troubleshooting Vitalizer Plus

We recommend that after each use, the pitcher be turned upside down and allowed to dry out. Periodically, you can remove the mineral cube and wash it with warm sudsy water.

If the power button does not work, check the power supply, to be sure that the machine is properly connected to the power outlet, and that the outlet is supplied with electricity.

If the Vitalizer does not swirl, follow these steps: 

  • Make sure the power is on. Press the “Minute” button and then press the “Start/Stop” button.
  • Make sure that the rotor and silicone ring are placed in the center of the mineral cube.
  • Make sure the mineral cube is secured in place at the bottom of the pitcher.
  • Make sure the pitcher is properly placed on the base of the unit.

If you notice a strange noise coming from the pitcher, make sure that the silicone ring is evenly wrapped around the rotor. If it is broken, then it should be replaced with a new silicone ring. Also make sure that there is nothing in the pitcher except water, and that the mineral cube is properly assembled.

Moving the water to another pitcher—preferably glass—is better for the water and it will extend the life of the mineral cube.

Terms & Conditions of Sale

You hereby consent to the exchange of information and documents between you and Produits Aqua Santé over the Internet or by e-mail, and that this Agreement (together with any applicable Order Confirmation(s) accepted by Produits Aqua Santé as indicated in Section 3, below) in electronic form shall be the equivalent of an original written paper agreement between us. You further agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing

Before submitting an order for the purchase of Products using this website, you will be shown an order confirmation screen (the “Order Confirmation”) describing, among other things, the product(s) to be ordered, the purchase price and any applicable charges for shipping and taxes. When you submit your order (by pressing the [“ Submit Order”] button), such an order will constitute an offer from you to Produits Aqua Santé to purchase the product(s) described in the Order Confirmation, for the price and subject to the other charges, terms and conditions set out in the Order Confirmation. Produits Aqua Santé’s acceptance of your order is evidenced by a return e-mail confirming your order details.

You agree to provide current, complete and accurate purchase and account information for all purchases. You agree to promptly update your account and other information, including your email address and credit card numbers and expiration dates so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed.

Produits Aqua Santé reserves the right, at its discretion, to refuse or cancel any order, including after the order has been submitted, whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your order is cancelled after your payment has been processed, Produits Aqua Santé will issue a refund.

All prices listed on the aquahealthproducts.com website are in Canadian dollars and may be subject to change without notice.  The variable exchange rate with the US dollar obliges us to adjust prices every quarter to comply with New Millenium Concepts Ltd’s Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) policy (manufacturer of Berkey products).  No refund will be issued if Canadian dollar MAP pricing drops after an order is confirmed through our website. 

Sales taxes are calculated based on the shipping and/or delivery address associated with your order, as required by law.  For orders shipped within Canada, GST/PST or HST will be added to your order total, according to the rates applicable for each province. Where required, sales tax will also be applied to the shipping and handling charges. If you return an item for a refund, you will also receive a refund for the sales taxes you paid for the Product. You will not, however, receive a refund for the sales taxes you paid on the shipping and handling of the item, as the shipping and handling charges are non-refundable once an item has been shipped.

The availability of certain products may be limited, and products may not be available for immediate delivery. If an ordered product is unavailable, Produits Aqua Santé will notify you via e-mail with an estimated delivery date. Produits Aqua Santé may cease to make available any products at any time without prior notice.

We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors, as Produits Aqua Santé is not allowed to have sub-dealers in its distribution agreement as an authorized Canadian Berkey dealer. We may, at our discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household or order. These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same credit card, and/or orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. If we make a change to or cancel an order, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e-mail and/or billing address, or phone number provided at the time the order was made.

Shipping & returns

We offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders within Canada that include a Berkey system.  All other orders have a flat shipping rate of $20.  Some exceptions may apply for remote locations. All orders ship via Canada Post Expedited Parcel service within 1-3 days from receipt of order.  Depending on where you live, you should receive your order within 3-8 work days after confirming your order. You will be contacted by our customer service if there is an unexpected delay with your order. 

When your order ships out, you will be notified by email and a Canada Post tracking number will be provided. You will be able to track your shipment on Canada Post’s website.  If you are unavailable for delivery, Canada Post carriers will leave a Delivery Notice Card on your door or mailbox advising you of the attempted delivery, and that the package is now available at your local Canada Postal office/outlet for pick up.

If a package is not picked up from the local post-office in the prescribed amount of time and Canada Post returns an order to us, or in the case of a returned shipment due to incomplete or inaccurate address you provided at the time of order, the customer will be responsible for shipping charges in both directions.  Please note, Canada Post does not allow us to make changes to your shipping address once a package has been shipped. 

Upon receiving your Berkey products, if you notice that there is a missing item, or if an item is damaged or defective, contact Produits Aqua Santé and we will take care of filing the warranty claim with the manufacturer and getting the product replaced.  See Warranty Information for more details.

We rarely get return requests on our Berkey products, but sometimes people realize that they have purchased the wrong size and would like to exchange their Berkey.  Whatever the reason may be, Produits Aqua Santé will accept the return or exchange of an unopened/unassembled Berkey at 100% value if the return request is made within the first 30 days after purchase

You must contact us by phone or email to get a return authorization from us before returning the goods.  Return shipping to Produits Aqua Santé is at the buyer’s expense unless there was an error made by us.

Once we receive the returned order from you, we will inspect the goods and if they are unused and returned in the original retail box/packaging, we will reimburse 100% of what you paid, less outbound shipping charges we incurred in sending you your order.  If an item is returned used or damaged by personal handling and not returned in re-saleable condition, we will evaluate the condition of the returned product and offer you a percentage of what you paid minus shipping charges.

Refunds in the first 60 days after the purchase date will be reimbursed on the credit card that was used for the original purchase, otherwise, payment will be sent by e-transfer/Interac payment.

Secured Payments

Orders must be paid in full before shipping.

Payment for purchased products shall be made by PayPal, credit card or Sezzle unless some other pre-arranged method of payment has been accepted by Produits Aqua Santé. Any payments made by credit card are subject to the approval of the financial institution that has issued the credit card.

PayPal allows you to pay by your preferred method, whether by credit card, bank account or PayPal account. Under no circumstances will your credit card transaction data be stored or even transmitted to our servers. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a payment on the PayPal platform. You will notice an option to make your payment by credit card, without having to create a PayPal account.

Sezzle lets you buy now and pay later with a simple, interest-free payment schedule. Organize your budget by making installments in several small parts.

If you are not comfortable with the idea of making a payment online, you can also contact us by phone and we will be happy to accept your order verbally and take your credit card payment over the phone.

We also accept payments by cheque. However, it is necessary to allow extra time, because we must first receive your cheque by mail and then wait until payment is authorized by the bank before shipping your order. Simply send your cheque in the name of  Produits Aqua Santé with the order details to the following address:

Produits Aqua Santé

2000 Notre-Dame est, suite 305

Montreal, QC H2K 2N3


Paying with Sezzle is simple!

1- Select Sezzle as the payment method.

2- You will then be redirected to the Sezzle platform. Follow the instructions.

3- Your order will be sent within the postal period indicated following the purchase of your product. 

4- Sezzle will split your order into 4 equal payments. The amount will be debited directly from your credit card every 2 weeks, until the 4th payment. 

For more information, visit the Sezzle website

Produits Aqua Santé reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page. If you have any questions or comments about any of our policies, please contact us.

We are water experts!

Founded in 2010, Aqua Health Products offers solutions to purify and revitalize drinking water. The products we distribute through this site include Berkey water purifiers, electric water ionizers, alkalizing filters, vortex water revitalizers and more.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific needs or if you have any questions.

Contact Us

We invite you to contact us by sending us an email at info@aquahealthproducts.com

You can also reach us by phone at 1-877-411-AQUA (2782). If you come across the answering machine, leave us a message indicating your name, phone number and purpose of your call and we will call you back as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!